Saturday, December 18, 2021

RE - The one of the oldest asset is awaiting it's Tesla moment and so the perfect sector for 100x

Real estate awaiting it's Tesla Moment: 

Pain Areas:

  1. It's seller's market
  2. Legacy construction technology
  3. Time is luxury here - Approvals, Development and point above all takes time beyond patience
  4. Transparency - Govt as devil - Weird registry process - Black money - Title and records
  5. Millions novice nonsense non professionals brokers - Adding Minus Value

Every point invites here - Disruptors.

So the opportunity for stakeholders, 100x in the sector in next 10 years.

See 2 Mega Trends -
  • Prop Tech - To address point 1, 4 and 5
  • Construction technologies - to address 2, and to a extent 3 point above

Prop Technology:

  • Aurum PropTech - Listed and very interesting
  • Square yards / NoBrokers - Upcoming IPO
  • IndiaAssetz - In Startup phase
Construction technologies:

  • Modulex
  • To be added

What else?

Saturday, September 4, 2021

Softwares are eating the world

Softwares so far has made life so easy for Homo Sapiens. From Caves to Hunting to Agri to Fossil fuels /Coals/Natural resources driven - Industrial era to IT and now AI Era, we have evolved a lot so far tools of growth, ease of life and consumption (mindless?) is concerned. Probably time to talk on negatives impacts as well.

Softwares, automation and so the AI are getting dangerous day by day. Millions retail customer using them, losing values in small amount in many transaction, data privacy, wrong work-flows (can be called misbehave) for which is there is no accountability set. Amount being less, no one bother much but cumulative this turns into big amount as well, think about it.

I have so many experiences of software running firms like brokers, Insurance, banks and others, where misbehave/bugs in the system (or may be by design) leads to losses for retailers (Losses always consumer side) and mind you, their internal escalations never works. We can not expect them to design system which have odd in favour of their Consumers, so they behave like Casino.

I have reached up to IT heads, Retails head and sometimes CTO/CEO. They accept bugs/bad design/misbehave but who have ultimate responsibility of capital losses? They never have any clue on this, simply they are not incetived rightly (regulated) to be accountable. Most CEOs job is to show PROFITS, rest comes later or never.

Somehow in Banks, Insurance - regulators body works still satisfactory. One can visit bank, Ombudsman or IRDA, but Brokers, Services providers, Retailers - they have no Mai-Baap. SEBI, Consumer portals are just dumb listeners like talent managers in Corporates. Toothless animals.

Questions comes - Who certify their softwares, who does auditing of behaviour of softwares? What is mechanism to watch misbehave (bugs is small part of it) of machines/softwares?

Its big danger virtual world out there, and going to be dangerous more and more. Homo Sapiens who are least bother about their own accountabilities (Looks at climate danger which could lead to end of this Species, still there is no sincere efforts been put up cumulatively), developing another breed of Species as software/machines/AI which has no defined set of rules to set accountability or regulated, leave aside its brutal nature of ruthlessness.

It a wake up call. God save us all from us!